What is Core Themes?

A proven career development program that utilizes a unique four-phase methodology to help people discover their true passion and purpose.

A Unique 4-Phase Program

Core Themes is a comprehensive four-phase methodology designed to bring meaning and purpose to the lives of people who feel stuck in their careers, are dissatisfied with their jobs, just starting out, or who want to create change and make a broader impact in the world.

At Core Themes, there are three key elements to achieving happiness and success:

  • You should love the very functions and activities you perform during your workday
  • You should get along with and respect the people you work with
  • You should believe in the company’s vision mission, values, products and services

The Core Themes methodology will help you assess where you are, and inspire you to action.

Phase 1: Assess

The key objective of Phase 1 is to help you know and understand yourself at a deeper level than you now do (career exploration). Phase 1 consists of two critical building blocks that provide the foundation for identifying your Core Themes so that you can experience career happiness.

Why is Career Assessment Important?

Building Block 1: We believe that each person is unique, and therefore, their personal history is unique. Each client’s personal history is recorded in great detail. This career counseling starts with a discussion of where you were born, your early childhood years, family make-up…

Learn More About Phase 1

"You owe it to yourself to be relentless in discovering the kind of work that is fulfilling and meaningful to you. Anything less and you are compromising your happiness." - Ray Inglesi

Phase 2: Think - Self
Reflection Exercises

Your counselor will take you through a series of self-reflection exercises designed to have you reflect on what you value most in your life. These self-reflection exercises require you to seriously examine two of life’s most important questions.

Time Involved in Phase 2

You’ll spend approximately three meetings lasting two hours each over a period of two weeks. Result: The answers to the self reflection questions give us a body of data that points to your strongest beliefs, interests and values––what you want your life to count for when all is said and done!

Learn More About Phase 2

Phase 3: Compose your
Career Development Plan

By now we’ve done an exhaustive examination of what you believe are the critical and important elements of your life. You have an objective assessment of your personality, abilities, interests, emotional intelligence…

Time Involved in Phase 3

You’ll spend approximately two to three meetings lasting two hours each over a period of two weeks. Result: You now have a career development plan to guide you in making the best decisions in your life and career.

Learn More About Phase 3

Unlock Your True Potential and Purpose

Core Themes is here to help you with every step of your journey!

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Phase 4: Seek

Knowing your Core Themes doesn’t always immediately get you to where you want to go. You need a realistic plan, career planning resources and the ability to execute if you expect to find true purpose and meaning in your life and career.

Time Involved in Phase 4

You’ll spend approximately two meetings lasting two hours each over a period of one to two weeks. Additional meetings are scheduled as needed to provide career guidance and direction and to evaluate your progress in carrying out your career planning process.

Learn More About Phase 4